Very successful maintenance operation with scuba divers!

June, 2017, on a biological WWTP.

Two divers were scheduled to carry out work on a biological wastewater treatment plant, a job that took place under closely controlled conditions throughout the day.

The divers were prepared and equipped, and a cherry picker crane installed to lift them to the top of the biological treatment basin (measuring 6m in height and 9m in diameter), for a descent into the basin, under continuous control, of over 45 minutes. This delicate maintenance operation was supervised by KWI at the client’s site. The use of scuba divers is no ordinary operation. It requires very thorough prior preparation, and must be rigorously managed on the day itself.

This solution avoids the complete draining of the biological basin (of volume 300m3 in this case). As a result, the end-client makes considerable savings because there’s no need to re-establish the biomass used for treatment.